The fast train was just that, fast. Here is the top MPH.

We are staying in this lovely apartment. Complete one bedroom with kitchen and it gives us a feeling of living here. The living room still has the original timbers. Plus there is a nice little terrace with a view of the very narrow street. So narrow in fact, that you have to stand in doorways to let cars pass through.

Breakfast on the terrace before we head out.

There is a stunning visual around every corner.

We set out for the cathedral, the largest gothic church, and the Giralda, the bell tower joining the church. The Giralda was the inspiration for the Wrigley Building in Chicago.

The square is a complete Catholic sweep with the Archdiocese offices looking over everything.

We wandered around trying to figure out how to get in. Our travel agent (me) fell down on this and didn’t buy tickets in advance. So we got a Sándwich de Jamón y Queso instead.

There are an abundance of flowers in Sevilla. Including pillars of petunia.

We finally figured out you could buy same day tickets by standing in a line. Which we did thanks to the travel agent’s poor planning. I have to say, I’m kind of over the cathedrals. After two, they all start to look the same.

No matter what you think of the guy, Christopher Columbus has some nice digs for his remains.

Now it was time to climb the tower, aerobic workout. Three hundred and forty two feet to the top. . . no elevator, just brick ramps. Once up, there were great views. You can see the bull fighting ring in the distance, right in the center of the pic.

We went back to our rooms and I did . . . laundry. Hey it was free! I made a big mistake and pushed the “cotton with pre-wash” button on the first load. It took 2 1/2 hours. It was then evening and time for a walk through the tapas bars and an evening meal of charcuterie and gazpacho.

I am beginning to feel the same way about cathedrals in Italy. Ha ha
Great photos! And Wayne looks to be sporting his classy Irish jacket.
The way you feel about cathedrals is the way I feel about castles.
I love the charm and quaintness of some of the streets in your pics…. beautiful flowers are always satisfying to the soul!!