A Must Read for Everyone Working in Healthcare AND Their Patients

I’ve worked in healthcare for over three decades.  I’ve always respected the professional boundaries between providers and patients.  There are plentiful reasons for their necessity.  But so are patient and provider relationships.  As in all relationships, provider patient ones change, evolve, are fluid.  The patient needs of today will be different tomorrow, or the next day, or the next day.   Every healthcare organization I have worked for or with has some element in their mission statement testifying that there existence is to “meet the healthcare needs of the community”.   Yes, sometimes those needs are beyond the capabilities of an organization or individual and have to be met by someone else but if the mission is fully realized the patient will be the leader.  They will lead the organization, the doctor, the nurse, the CEO, the development officer, and if you invite the dialogue they will tell their needs of today and be more likely to tell you again tomorrow.  One guarantee – listening will not settle you, it will challenge you out of your comfort zone.

Caring for Ms. L. — Overcoming My Fear of Treating Opioid Use Disorder

Audrey M. Provenzano, M.D., M.P.H



Sacrilegious but Delicious, an Easter Trial Run

Each year we gather with a group of friends for an Easter Festival Feast.  For the past few years it has been my responsibility to handle the “cake”.  Call it baking with sarcasm.  Previous years were mostly themed around a “sacrificial lamb” concept but thanks to the creativity of my partner this year’s cake has become a treatise of thorns.  For those with a culinary background, it’s a white chocolate angel food, batter streaked with raspberry sauce, boiled frosting, with thorn decoration and raspberry sauce accents.