Yesterday we drove up from the Southern Shore district to the Eastern Shore. It was about 5 hours and we hoped to drive the shore route but construction in and around Halifax put a lid on that. We settled for the quicker inland route via the Trans-Canadian Highway. It was cloudy and rainy all day, good for a drive.

Our lodgings sit on a small peninsula perfectly situated so we can see the sunrise over the Atlantic on one side and walk around the building and see the sunset on the other side. Here is last night.

And here is this morning.

Amidst all this natural splendor, the Nova Scotia government has just approved a “Space Port” project in Canso to launch low orbit satellites. I think they should just keep launching from Flordia and jettison the governor.
Perfect morning for breakfast on the deck, especially when we are joined by two of our hosts, Teddy (terrier rescue), and Franklin (Bernese Mountain Dog). When Wayne asked David, one of our human hosts, “Are they named after the Roosevelts?” David replied, “How American of you to think we would name our dogs after your dead presidents.” Franklin is more food motivated than Teddy.

I’m realizing that all I have is pictures of landscape. Well, the fact is, there just aren’t very many people here. Almost every walk on a beach or trail has been devoid of humans. That was true this morning when we took the Black Duck Cove Trail. We are in the county of Guysborough which we think is a much classier name than “Boystown”.

Who knew we would walk right past the Western Union transatlantic cable relay station.

I don’t know if I’ll post tomorrow, wifi here is basically two Dixie cups and a string, evidently the transatlantic cable doesn’t boost the speed. Enjoy your day as we have ours.
It looks so peaceful which we all need / thanks fir sharing those beautiful landscapes! Enjoyed the little pups and see Wayne has his new tweed jacket, too!!!!